Association Belge contre les Maladies Neuro-Musculaires
Dissecting the role of the KDM5A overactivity in the pathophysiology of sporadic inclusion body myositis: from the deep proteome towards disease models and novel therapies
- Jonathan Baets – Neurologie
Improvement of risk stratification and the value of 7-day rhythm surveillance in acute myocarditis
- Caroline Van De Heyning – Cardiologie
The incidence of cardiovascular events and revascularizations in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors in Belgium
- Constantijn Franssen – Cardiologie
ERN Research Mobility Fellowship
Phenotype-genotype correlation in RORA-related neurodevelopmental disorders
- Matthias De Wachter – Kindergeneeskunde
B3-ISO: High quality Biobanking in Belgium: the road towards ISO 20387 accreditation
- Elke Smits – Dienst Medisch Directeur
EUCANScreen: implementation of cancer screening programmes
- Annemiek Snoeckx – Radiologie
MetabERN: European Reference Network for inherited metabolic diseases
- François Eyskens – Kindergeneeskunde
European Academy of Dermatology & Venerlogy
Differential diagnosis of contact dermatitis
- Olivier Aerts – Dermatology
European Academy of Neurology
Clinical Fellowship
- Matthias De Wachter – Kindergeneeskunde
European Pediatric Neurology Society
Phenotype-genotype correlation in RORA-related neurodevelopmental disorders
- Matthias De Wachter – Kindergeneeskunde
European Society of Contact Dermatitis
Updating the European Baseline Series 2023
- Olivier Aerts – Dermatology
European Society of Contact Dermatitis Research Group
Prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis from medical devices used by children and adults with type-I diabetes mellitus
- Olivier Aerts – Dermatology
Impact of mitral valve surgery on left ventricular function and arrhythmia in patients with mitral valve prolapse: Barlow’s disease vs. fibro-elastic deficiency
- Caroline Van De Heyning – Cardiologie
FWO - fundamenteel klinisch mandaat
Het gehumaniseerd dfna9-muismodel als een nieuwe aanpak om weefselspecifieke en bloedgebaseerde bio-assays te identificeren die de menselijke dfna9-pathofysiologie weerspiegelen en cripr/cas-systemen te testen om gehoorverlies te voorkomen
- Vincent Van Rompaey – Neus-, keel-, en oorziekten
Regenerative medicine for the corneal endothelium: self-unfolding, thermo-responsive bioengineered corneal grafts
- Sorcha Ni Dhubhghaill – Oogheelkunde
FWO - fundamenteel klinisch mandaat - Verlenging
Increasing diagnostic yield in genetic childhood onset epilepsies through advanced multi-omics methods and improving mechanistic insights through the study of microglia-containing brain organoids
- Sarah Weckhuysen – Neurologie
Small-molecule ERBB4 agonisten voor de behandeling van cardiovasculaire aandoeningen
- Vincent Segers – Cardiologie
Study of the vascular alterations in the pathophysiology of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and of the reciprocal causal role of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in cardiovascular disease
- Sven Francque – Gastro-enterologie en hepatologie
FWO - Toegepast Biomedisch Onderzoek met een primair maatschappelijke finaliteit
A controlled phase II clinical trial evaluating efficacy of myelin peptide-loaded tolDC as treatment for MS
- Barbara Willekens/Zwi Berneman – Neurologie/Hematologie
The use of dynamic infrared thermography for perforator mapping and quality improvement in autologous breast reconstructions
- Filip Thiessen/Wiebren Tjalma – Abdominale, kinder en plastische heelkunde – Oncologische gynaecologie
Diagnosing drug allergy: the T is the key
- Didier Ebo – Immunologie, allergologie en reumatologie
FWO-SBO projecten met een primair maatschappelijke finaliteit
DeVEnIR: defining vulvovaginal candidiasis – elements of infection and remedy
- Gilbert Donders – Gynaecologie
SAFIR-Ready: Flight mission readiness, enabling rapid intervention for healthcare and critical infrastructure, leveraging all value chain actors and U-space services
- Lotte Vanlommel – Clinical Research Center
ENDEAVOR: Endoscopic brush cytology and single cell clinical dynamics of early easophageal adenocarcinoma for detecting cost effective surveillance strategies and prediction of cancer recurrence
- Sheila Krisnadath – Gastro-enterologie en hepatologie
Horizon Europe MSCA doctoral network
- Jonathan Baets – Neurologie
Patiëntgerichte zorg voor vestibulaire stoornissen
- Vincent Van Rompaey – Neus-, keel-, en oorziekten
Innovative Health initiative
GRIPonMASH: Global research initiative for patient screening on MASH
- Sven Francque – Gastro-enterologie en hepatologie
COL BE PCI: Colchicine in België bij patiënten met coronaire hartziekte na percutane coronaire interventie
- Frederik De Roeck – Cardiologie
RES-ST: Respiratoire slik therapie bij patiënten met radiatie dysfagie
- Gwen Van Nuffelen – Neus-, keel-, en oorziekten
Personalised multimodal treatment for resectable esophageal cancer by detecting minimal residual disease using circulating tumor DNA: a multicenter prospective study
- Timon Vandamme – Oncologie
Validering van [18F]AlF-FAPI als fibroblast activatie proteïne inhibitor (FAPI) speurstof voor PET beeldvorming van kanker geassocieerde fibroblasten in digestieve tumoren
- Sigrid Stroobants – Nucleaire Geneeskunde
Aanpak van moeilijk te behandelen colorectale kanker: een gepersonaliseerd anti-kanker vaccin als aanvulling op de standaard chemotherapie
Verbetering van mondkankerchirurgie door intraoperatieve beoordeling van resectiemarges
- Senada Koljenovic – Pathologische Anatomie
Neoadjuvante chemotherapie en immunotherapie in de behandeling van maligne pleuraal mesothelioom (NECIM): een feasibility studie
- Jeroen Hendriks – Thorax- en Vaatheelkunde
Marguerite-Marie Delacroix steunfonds
Unraveling the molecular pathways underlying the neurodevelopmental problems seen in children with KCNQ3 gain-of-function variants
- Sarah Weckhuysen – Neurologie
Autophagy dysregulation in cerebral palsy: a common mechanism?
- Diane Beysen – Kindergeneeskunde
MACSIMISE-BRAIN: Metformin add-on clinical study in multiple sclerosis to evaluate brain remyelination and neurodegeneration
- Barbara Willekens – Neurologie
Orphan Disease Center Million Dollar Bike Ride Pilot Grant
Assessing and quantifying gait problems in patients with STXBP-1-related disorders using three-dimensional gait analysis
- Sarah Weckhuysen – Neurologie
Impact of ccfDNA on clinical decision making in NEN patients
- Timon Vandamme – Oncologie
Advancing cervical cancer prevention, diagnosis, and care in low-income countries
- Laure-Anne Teuwen – Oncologie
The Regents of the University of California
CENTER-TBI/TRACK-TBI: data harmonization
- Andrew Maas – Tomas Menovsky – Neurochirurgie
De Oorzaak
- Johan Verbraecken – Slaapcentrum
Vestibular Implant Stimulation
- Vincent Van Rompaey – Neus-, keel-, en oorziekten
Antwerp research collection for trauma induced coagulopathy
- Koen Monsieurs – Spoedgevallen